Philippe Granger, the first of that name to become a wine-grower / labourer in Juliénas.

From Napoleon to Pascal Philippe Granger, all the wine-growers have been called Philippe Granger, the latest descendant taking over the vines is called Jean-Philippe Granger – we have come full circle.
Back then, the Estate operated 3–4 hectares, it now owns 18,2ha of vineyards and yet remains very much a family affair, through being handed down from father to son.
Philippe Granger, the first of that name to become a wine-grower / labourer in Juliénas.
His son Philippe marries Germaine. They took over the share-cropping lease with the Loron family, comprising 3.9&bnsp;ha of Juliénas, a vat room, and a house.
On the death of Germaine’s parents, themseves wine-growers in the commune of Chénas, they take over 0.57&bnsp;ha of Chénas.
They take 0.95&bnsp;ha of Moulin-à-Vent vines in share-cropping
Pascal Philippe works on the family Estate and takes on some vines in his own name
Pascal and Marie-Agnès have a new vat room built to replace the old one, which had become too small.
They build the house adjoining the vat room, with the basement for labelling and the tasting cellar, then rent 0.23&bnsp;ha of Juliénas to expand their activity.
The restructuring of the vineyard starts with planting 0.30&bnsp;ha of Juliénas trained in cordons.
They set up the company EARL PASCAL GRANGER. The business expands regularly, buying new vineyards, new tenancies and share-cropping, along with planting new root stocks to replace old vines.
The operation is completely restructured, taking out the ninth row on all the plots so as to be able to pass with the vineyard tractor the EARL has just bought
Jean-Philippe joins the EARL and expands the operation still further with rented and share-cropped vines.
The EARL takes on a full-time employee. Construction starts for a storage cellar, adjoining the house, for 40,000&bnsp;bottles, casks, and <i>demi-muid</i> barrels.
Marie-Agnès et Pascal prennent leur retraite et laisse Jean-Philippe seul avec les rennes du Domaine. Mais vous pourrez toujours les croisés au caveau ou dans les vignes pour donner un petit coup de main. Jean-Philippe a profiter de ce chang